API Requests


The URL of Aplazame’s API service is available at https://api.aplazame.com.


GET /orders HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com
Parameter Type Required Description
Accept string yes Specifies the Aplazame API version and the datatype expected
Authorization string yes Type and access key


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Aplazame-Media-Type: aplazame.v1

OAuth2 is an open standard for authorisation defined in RFC 6749.

OAuth2 is easier to work with than OAuth1 and provides much better security.


The Accept header is used to indicate the API version, expected content type (and sandbox mode)

GET /orders HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+(json|xml)
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com

Although versioning via URL is currently allowed (e.g. https://api.aplazame.com/v1/orders), it is better practice to use the Accept header in the request to specify the type and format of the API service response.

If the API version is not indicated in the header or via URL, the latest version of the API will be activated. Since a new version of the API can deprecate certain fields, it is recommended you always specify the API version

Format types allowed

Header Version Expected format Value
Accept 1 json application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Accept 1 xml application/vnd.aplazame.v1+xml


$ if ((`bc <<< "12.50!=1250"`)); then echo "beep beeeeeeep!!!"; fi


Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Aplazame-Media-Type: aplazame.v1

  "error": {
    "fields": {
      "articles": [
        "This field is required."
    "message": "API validation error",
    "type": "ApiValidationException"

List of error codes returned by the API.

Code Error Meaning
400 Bad Request If the data have not been correctly validated
401 Unauthorized If the token (public/private key) is not sent in the request or is wrong
403 Forbidden If you do not have permission to do this operation.
404 Not Found If the object or the resource is not found.
405 Method Not Allowed You tried to access with an invalid method (GET/POST/...)
406 Not Acceptable The Accept header is invalid see headers
408 Request timeout The server timed out waiting for the request.
409 Conflict Indicates that the request could not be processed because of a conflict in the request.
415 Unsupported Media Type There is no support for the content type indicated in the Content-Type header
429 Too Many Requests If multiple simultaneous requests are made.
500 Internal Server Error Error in the API server. This may be caused by an implementation error, a temporary network issue, etc. Please try again later.
503 Service Unavailable Temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


GET /orders?page=2 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Aplazame-Media-Type: aplazame.v1

  "cursor": {
    "after": 3,
    "before": 1
  "paging": {
    "count": 314,
    "next": "https://api.aplazame.com/orders?page=3",
    "previous": "https://api.aplazame.com/orders?page=1"
  "results": []
Parameter Type Description
cursor object Pagination cursor object
paging object Pagination status
results collection List of stores

Breakdown: cursor

Parameter Type Description
after integer Index of the previous page.
before integer Index of the next page.

Breakdown: paging

Parameter Type Description
count integer Number of items found.
next URL API URL (endpoint) to the next page of results.
previous URL API URL (endpoint) to the previous page of data.


The filters of the list queries are indicated in the URL parameters.
The parameter format is comprised of the entity, lookup type and value.

GET /orders?property-lookup=value

In the following example, the request will return all orders whose id starts with 'e791f'. If the match type is omitted, exact will be used.

GET /orders?id-startswith=e791f HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com

If various filters are specified, the result will return a combination of all of them.

GET /orders?id-startswith=e791f&id-endswith=4ff4g HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com

Text search

Term Usage Description
exact name-exact=AplaZame Exact match
iexact name-iexact=aplazame Case-insensitive exact match
regex name-regex=^[A-Z].*$ Case-sensitive regular expression.
iregex name-iregex=^[a-z].*$ Case-insensitive regular expression.
contains name-contains=plaZa String containing a case-insensitive value
icontains name-icontains=plaza String containing a case-sensitive value
startswith name-startswith=Apla String starts with specified value
istartswith name-istartswith=apla String starting with case-insensitive value
endswith name-endswith=Zame String ending with value
iendswith name-iendswith=zame String ending with case-insensitive value
in name-in=AplaZame,Aplazar Matches any of the comma-separated values.
search name-search=Ap String search value

By date

GET /orders?confirmed-week_day=monday HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com
Term Usage Description
year created-year=2015 Dates whose year matches the value entered.
month created-month=10 Dates whose month matches the value entered.
week_day created-week_day=monday Day of the week; the choices are:
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
day created-day=2 Dates whose day matches the value entered.
hour created-hour=14 Dates whose time matches the value entered.


Term Usage Description
isnull confirmed-isnull=yes Filter by null fields, yes OR no

Value range

GET /orders?confirmed-gte=2015-10-02T18:15:45.101838Z HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.aplazame.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer api_private_key
Host: api.aplazame.com
Term Usage Description
exact total_amount-exact=10000 Exact
gt total_amount-gt=8000 Greater than
gte total_amount-gte=10000 Greater than or equal to
lt total_amount-lt=12000 Less than
lte total_amount-lte=10000 Less than or equal to